3 Best Books in 2020

Kristina Bartold-Sorgota
2 min readDec 27, 2020


As a Personal Development Strategist, people I do not even know are reaching out to me for book recommendations. I actually love it! As an avid book listener and reader, I always have lots to share (so feel free to reach out!), but I thought I would round up the best three books I read in 2020!


I chose ‘Untamed’ by Glennon Doyle as the first book for the KB.com book club, and it did not disappoint. My highlighter was constantly in use highlighting my favourite quotes, and I refer to this book daily.

As a woman, it was an amazing read and I cannot say enough how important it is for us to reflect on the concept of taming to better understand our decision making. I found myself reflecting on so many experiences in my life and wondering about how many of these choices were my taming, and how many were my own free will choices.

Glennon also has an incredible story and is a woman that I am proud to support (plus, she is friends with Brene Brown, that is enough reason to love her!). I believe we will be seeing big things from her in the future!

You are a Badass at Making Money

This book was a gamechanger for me around money mindset, and how to not only think about money in my business but in my life.

As I’ve written about before, our society has a very uncomfortable viewpoint on money and the opportunity to discuss money. Therefore, we undervalue ourselves and our capacity to make money. Sincero focuses on the money mindset and how to cultivate it. I would be a different businesswoman if I did not read this book, and my personal finances would be organized completely differently.

If you’d like to ease into the money conversation, she has a new book on habits that I am itching to get into.

Think Like a Monk

This was the other KB.com book club selection, and it brought in a different group of folks who were interested in finding more serenity and learn more about the reality of being a monk. ‘Think Like a Monk’ provides jam-packed life lessons filled with value on almost every page that it is almost intoxicating to read. I had to take a break to even really let it set in!

From finding your purpose to relationships, Jay Shetty really encourages us to build habits and routines that serve our purpose. He provides some actionable ways to do so!

